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Sumo 18.11 09:32
ERRORS EINVAL setting is invalid, or requests a hashing method that is not supported. ERANGE phrase is too long (more than CRYPT_MAX_PASSPHRASE_SIZE characters; some hashing methods may have lower limits). crypt_rn only: size is too small for the hashing method requested by setting. ENOMEM Failed to allocate internal scratch memory. crypt_ra only: failed to allocate memory for data. ENOSYS or EOPNOTSUPP Hashing passphrases is not supported at all on this installation, or the hashing method requested by setting is not supported. These error codes are not used by this version of libcrypt, but may be encountered on other systems.По сути имеет смысл только ERANGE выделить, но толку мало. Всё равно приёдется man 5 crypt внимательн очитать для каждого вида хеширования. Так что можно ничего не менять. :)