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SqlCluster.p - класс-обертка

sergei v.2 08.07 09:46




$t[^oSqlApiMain.table[SELECT id, name FROM]]
    $ -- $ 

# не сработает через .R  ---> $t[^oSqlApiMain.R.table[SELECT * FROM news]]
# так же как и void (чтобы не делали void не с мастера)        ^oSqlApiMain.R.void[DELETE FROM news WHERE id=-100]
# через RW явно ---> $t[^oSqlApiMain.RW.table[SELECT * FROM news]]
# через R       ---> $t[^oSqlApiMain.table[SELECT * FROM news]]
# через RW      ---> ^oSqlApiMain.void[DELETE FROM news WHERE id=-100]


		^if(def $hParams.bDebug){$.bDebug($hParams.bDebug)}
        ^if(def $hParams.bDebug){$.sCacheDir[$hParams.sCacheDir]}

		$connect-string-$k[^if(!def $hConnections.type || $hConnections.type eq mysql){mysql}{pgsql}://${hConnections.user}:${hConnections.password}@${}^if(def $v.port){:$v.port}/${hConnections.db_name}^if(!def $hConnections.type || $hConnections.type eq mysql){?charset=utf8}]

	^if(!def $hConnections.type || $hConnections.type eq mysql){
    	^if(def ${connect-string-r} && ${connect-string-r} ne ""){
    	^if(def ${connect-string-r} && ${connect-string-r} ne ""){

# some $hCacheOption are available:
# $.bForce(1). force execute query without clearing file
# $.sFile[path/to/cache-file]. path to file in $sCacheDir
# $.bAuto(1|0). 1 - cache query with auto-generated filename, 0 - disable auto caching for query
# $.dInterval(value). 0 - clear file and don't cache query [days, default=1]
# $.dtExpirationTime[time when cache expire]
# $.iThreshold(value). in any case file will be cleared after 1.5 * dInterval [%, default=100]

#end @void[]

#end @int[]

#end @double[]

#end @string[]

#end @table[]

#end @hash[]

#end @file[]