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Misha v.3 21.06.2014 06:01 / 21.06.2014 08:35
на самом деле я обманул: на схеме evgine v.4 не указаны некоторые поля, т.к. они были добавлены только в v.5, но это случилось ещё в 2008 году, просто лень было обновлять описание.@findObjectByURI[sURI;hParams][...объявление локальных переменных...] $hParams[^hash::create[$hParams]] $hRewrite[^hash::create[]] $bFound(false) $result[ $.hRewrite[$hRewrite] $.bFound(false) $.sError[] $.hOrigin[^hash::create[]] $.hCurrent[^hash::create[]] $.hLog[^hash::create[]] ] $bContinue(true) $iWatchDogCount(20) $hRewrited[^hash::create[]] ^while($bContinue && $iWatchDogCount){ $bContinue(false) $bFound(false) $tVisible[^self.getObjectsByFullPath[^self.getParentsFullPaths[$sURI];$hParams]] ^if($tVisible){ ^if(^tVisible.locate[full_path;$sURI]){ ^rem{ *** object with specified URI exists *** } $result.hCurrent[$tVisible.fields] $bFound(true) }{ ^rem{ *** object with specified URI does not exist. check if engine's rewrites are used *** } ^tVisible.offset[set](-1) $iTypeID($tVisible.child_handling_type_id) ^if($iTypeID){ ^if($hRewrited.[$tVisible.id]){ $result.sError[Infinite recursion while processing rewrites is detected] }{ $hRewrited.[$tVisible.id](true) $hObject[$tVisible.fields] $sOriginURI[$sURI] $sTail[^sURI.mid(^hObject.full_path.length[])] ^if(!def $hRewrite.sTail){ ^rem{ *** the 1st rewrite iteration *** } $hRewrite.sTail[$sTail] $result.hOrigin[$hObject] } ^switch($iTypeID){ ^case(1){ ^rem{ *** handle nonexistent child by itself *** } $hRewrite._[^sTail.trim[both;/]] $result.hCurrent[$hObject] $bFound(true) } ^case(2){ ^rem{ *** another object will handle nonexistent child => modify URL and search again *** } ^rem{ *** cut 1st 'subdir' *** } $iPieceLength(^sTail.pos[/]) ^if($iPieceLength>0){ $sPiece[^sTail.left($iPieceLength)] $sTail[^sTail.mid($iPieceLength+1)] }{ $sPiece[$sTail] $sTail[] } $hHandler[^self.getObjectById($hObject.child_handler_object_id)] ^if($hHandler){ ^if(^hRewrite.contains[$hHandler.path]){ ^rem{ *** for simplicity don't allow to have 2 handlers with the same path *** } $result.sError[Duplicate path while processing rewrites is found] }{ $hRewrite.[$hHandler.path][$sPiece] $sURI[${hHandler.full_path}$sTail] $bContinue(true) } }{ $result.sError[Link to not existed handler ($hObject.child_handler_object_id) is found] } } ^case[DEFAULT]{ $result.sError[Unknown rewrite type ($iTypeID)] } } $result.hLog.[^result.hLog._count[]][ $.sOriginURI[$sOriginURI] $.iTypeID($iTypeID) $.sURI[$sURI] $.hRewrite[^hash::create[$hRewrite]] ] } } } } ^iWatchDogCount.dec[] } ^if($iWatchDogCount==0){ $result.sError[Too many cycles while processing rewrites] } $result.bFound($bFound) @getParentsFullPaths[sFullPath][sURI;tURI] $result[^table::create{sUri /}] $sFullPath[^sFullPath.trim[both;/]] ^if(def $sFullPath){ $sURI[] $tURI[^sFullPath.split[/][vl]] ^tURI.menu{ $sURI[$sURI/$tURI.piece] ^result.append{$sURI} } } @getObjectsByFullPath[tFullPath;hParams] $reault[^table::sql{ SELECT ... FROM object WHERE full_path IN (^if($tFullPath){^tFullPath.menu{'$tFullPath.sUri'}[,]}{''}) ... ORDER BY full_path }] @getObjectById[iID] $reault[^table::sql{ SELECT ... FROM object WHERE object_id = $iID ... }]