
Написать ответ на текущее сообщение


   команды управления поиском


gik 16.05.2009 15:59


^FireBug:group[test group;[
^FireBug:log[proc started;$status:rusage]
^FireBug:log[memory at start;$status:memory]

$table[^table::create{id	name
1	test1
2	test2

^FireBug:table[test dump;$table]

^FireBug:info[date now;^date::now[];[

^FireBug:log[proc ended;$status:rusage]
^FireBug:log[memory at end;$status:memory]

^FireBug:group[test group]

^FireBug:warn[warning message]

^FireBug:error[error, html is empty )]

	^throw[test exception;]



# $Id: FireBug.p,v 0.1 2009-05-15 08:08:45 gik Exp $
# JSON based on misha JSHttpRequest Class


#end @auto[]

# start group
# hParam - hash
#		$.sColor[string]	
#		$.sCollapsed[true/false]
#end @group[]

# close group
#end @group_end[]

# log message
# sLabel - label
# uVar	  - any variable
# hParam - hash
# 		$.sFile[string]
#		$.sLine[integer]
#end @log[]

# dump table (icon)
# sLabel - label
# uVar	  - table
# hParam - hash
# 		$.sFile[string]
#		$.sLine[integer]
^if($uVar is "table"){
#end @table[]

# info message (icon)
# sLabel - label
# uVar	  - any variable
# hParam - hash
# 		$.sFile[string]
#		$.sLine[integer]
#end @info[]

# warning message (icon)
# sLabel - label
# uVar	  - any variable
# hParam - hash
# 		$.sFile[string]
#		$.sLine[integer]
#end @warn[]

# error message (icon)
# sLabel - label
# uVar	  - any variable
# hParam - hash
# 		$.sFile[string]
#		$.sLine[integer]
#end @error[]

# exception message (icon)
# hException -  $exception
$sLine[[{"Type":"EXCEPTION"},{"Class": "$caller.CLASS_NAME ", "Message": "$hException.source ($hException.comment) ", "File": "$hException.file ", "Line": "(${hException.lineno}:$hException.colno) ", "Type": "$hException.type ", "Trace": []}]]
#end @error[]


$sLine[[{"Type":"$sType"^if(def $sLabel){,"Label":"^taint[js][$sLabel]"}^if(def $hParam.sFile){,"File":"$hParam.sFile"}^if(def $hParam.sLine){,"Line":$hParam.sLine}^if(def $hParam.sColor){,"Color":"$hParam.sColor"}^if(def $hParam.sCollapsed){,"Collapsed":"$hParam.sCollapsed"}},^_object2js[$uVar]]]
#end @_append[]

# carefull: for empty strings returned 'null'
	($uVar is "bool" && ($uVar && ^self._return[true] || ^self._return[false]))
	|| (!def $uVar && ^self._return[null])
	|| ($uVar is "string" && ^self._return[^self._string2js[$uVar]])
	|| ($uVar is "double" && ^self._return[$uVar])
	|| ($uVar is "int" && ^self._return[$uVar])
	|| ($uVar is "table" && (($uVar && ^self._return[^if($sType eq "TABLE"){^self._table2js[$uVar]}{^self._array2js[$uVar]}]) || ^self._return[null]))
	|| ($uVar is "hash" && (($uVar && ^self._return[^self._hash2js[$uVar]]) || ^self._return[null]))
	|| ($uVar is "date" && ^self._return[new Date(^uVar.unix-timestamp[]000)])
#end @_object2js[]

#end @_return[]

#end @_string2js[]

# check if our hash is hash of bool with only 'true' values
	^if($bIsHashOfBool && !($uValue is "bool" && $uValue)){

	$result[[^hData.foreach[sKey;]{^self._string2js[$sKey]}[, ]]]
	^rem{ *** in other case return associated array *** }
	$result[{^hData.foreach[sKey;uValue]{^self._string2js[$sKey]:^if($uValue is "double" || $uValue is "bool" || $uValue is "int"){^self._object2js($uValue)}{^self._object2js[$uValue]}}[, ]}]
#end @_hash2js[]

	$result[[[^{^self._string2js[$tKeys.column]}[,]],^{[^{^self._string2js[$tData.[$tKeys.column]]}[, ]]}[, ]]]
	^rem{ *** nameless tables are deprecated, lah. *** }
#end @_table2js[]

	$result[[^{^self._string2js[$tKeys.column]}[,]],^{[^{^self._string2js[$tData.[$tKeys.column]]}[, ]]}[, ]]
	^rem{ *** nameless tables are deprecated, lah. *** }
#end @_table2js[]

	$result[[^{{^{^self._string2js[$tKeys.column]:^self._string2js[$tData.[$tKeys.column]]}[, ]}}[, ]]]
	^rem{ *** nameless tables are deprecated, lah. *** }
#end @_array2js[]