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agat 30.08.2007 13:18
скопируйте и добавьте в файл wordfile.txt вместо вашей подсветки/L12"Parser 3" Nocase HTML_LANG Line Comment = # Block Comment On = ^rem{ Block Comment Off = } Escape Char = \ String Chars = "' File Extensions = P HTML CONF htaccess CFG /Delimiters = ~!%&*()+=|\{}[];"'<> , .? /Function String = "%@^([a-zA-Z0-9_;]+^[[a-zA-Z0-9_;]++^]^)[" /Open Fold Strings = "[" "{" /Close Fold Strings = "]" "}" /C1"Elements" ** < // /> > < ?> <? <?xml ]]> <![CDATA[ /C2"Attributes" abbr= absolute= action= active= adj= adjFrom= adjTo= afiicode= age= agent= align= alink= all= allusion= alt= am= ana= ancestor= anchored= arity= assertedValue= attribute= authority= background= background-color= baseForm= baseType= behavior below bgcolor= border= checked= calendar= cap= cause= cellpadding= cellspacing= cert= certainty= character= chars= children= class= classid= clear= code= codebase= codedCharSet= color= cols= colspan= complete= composite= content= content-role= coords= copyOf= corr= corresp= crdate= creator= data= date= dateCreated= dateUpdated= day= decls= definition= default= degree= delim= depend= depPtr= desc= descendant= descriptive= dim= dir= direct= direction discrete= doc= doctype= domains= dt:type= dt:values= dur= ed= encoding= end= end-indent= enjamb= entity= entityLoc= entitySet= entityStd= eol= exact= excl= exclude= expan= extendTarg= extent= evaluate= expand= event= face= feats= feature= field-width= first= first-line-start-indent= follow= following= font-family= font-family-name= font-posture= font-size= font-style= font-weight= for= form= frameborder= framespacing= from= fsd= full= function= fVal= gi= given= gradual= group= grpPtr= h= hand= has-value= height= hidden= hour= href= hspace= http-equiv= id= ident= image= included= inDegree= index= ink= inline= inst= interval= ismap= iso639= iterated= key= label= label2= lang= language= left-margin= lemma= length= level= level1= level2= level3= level4= lexpunc= lines= line-spacing= link= loc= location= locus= loop= macro= mailto= margin-bottom= margin-left= marginheight= margin-top= marginwidth= marker= marks= maxOccurs= mergedin= met= method= minOccurs= mlang= mode= multiple mutual= mutExcl= NSDef= n= name= names= new= next= nohref none= noresize norm= noshade notation= occurs= old= onblur onchange= onclick onfocus onload only= onmouseout onmouseover onsubmit= opt= ord= order= org= orig= origin= outDegree= padding= parent= part= passive= pattern= per= perf= place= pm= position= prefix= prev= previous= prompt= quadding= real= reason= refunit= reg= rel= rend= render= required= resp= result= rev= rhyme= right-margin= role= rows= rowspan= sameAs= sample= scheme= scope= scribe= script= scrolling= select= selected sex= shape= show= sic= sigil= since= size= social= some= sort= source= space= space-after= space-before= span= split= src= SrcDef= standalone= start start= start-indent= status= string= style= subtype= synch= TEI= TEIForm= target= targetEnd= targets= targFunc= targOrder= targType= terminal= text= text-align= theme= time= timezone= title= to= token= topmargin= trans= type= ucs-4= uniform= unit= url= usage= use= valign= value= valueTo= varSeq= version= vlink= vspace= weights= where= who= width= wit= wscale= wsd= xl-role= xl-title= xml:link= xmlns xmlns:dt xmlns:cmi zone= 24hour= = - def and or xor & && || | ! !| ~ eq ne gt lt ge le is -d -f in /C3"Brackets" } { ) ( [ ] /C4"Constructors" ^date::create ^date::now ^file::load ^file::stat ^file::cgi ^file::exec ^hash::create ^hash::sql ^image::measure ^image::create ^image::load ^table::create ^table::load ^table::sql ^xdoc::create ^xdoc::load /C5"Variables and objects" ** $ . /C6"Method definition" ** @ /C7"Method call" ** ^ /C8"Static methods" ^date:calendar ^file:delete ^file:find ^file:list ^file:move ^file:dirname ^file:basename ^file:justname ^file:justext ^file:fullpath ^file:lock ^int:sql ^double:sql ^void:sql ^string:sql ^mail:send ^math:random ^math:round ^math:floor ^math:ceiling ^math:trunc ^math:frac ^math:abs ^math:sign ^math:degrees ^math:radians ^math:sin ^math:asin ^math:cos ^math:acos ^math:tan ^math:atan ^math:exp ^math:log ^math:pow ^math:sqrt ^math:crypt ^math:md5 ^math:uuid ^math:uid64 ^memory:compact ^response:clear .int .double .trim .string .sql-string .menu .foreach .hash .inc .dec .left .right .mid ._keys .count .line .offset .limit .match .select .locate .sort .lower .upper .split .replace .save .append .join .length $result $status $response $request /C9"Operators" ^eval ^if ^switch ^case ^for ^while ^connect ^use ^cache ^process ^untaint ^taint ^try ^throwЗа исключением того же рем-а - если внутри комента идут много всяких скобок - УЕ загинается с подсветкой и не все светит как коммент.