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Sugrob 27.08.2004 19:53 / 27.08.2004 19:59
Подскажите в чём ошибка?? до этого нормально работало, а сейчас ошибка вылетает:$result[^csql.sql[table]{ SELECT auser.auser_id AS user_id, auser.name AS name, auser.email AS email, auser.description AS description, auser.rights AS description, auser.passwd AS passwd, auser.new_passwd AS new_passwd, auser.dt_register AS dt_register, auser.dt_logon AS dt_logon, auser.dt_logout AS dt_logout, auser.connections_limit AS connections_limit, auser.event_type AS event_type, auser_detail.auser_id, auser_detail.icq AS icq, auser_detail.www AS www, auser_detail.hobby AS hobby, auser_detail.location AS location, auser_detail.about_you AS about_you, auser_detail.birtday AS birtday FROM auser, auser_detail WHERE auser.is_published = 1 AND auser.auser_type_id = $USER_ID AND ^if(def $user_id){ auser.auser_id != 0 AND auser.auser_id = ^user_id.int(0) AND auser_detail.auser_id = $user_id } ^if(def $email){AND ^csql.lower[email] = '^email.lower[]'} ^if(def $name){AND ^csql.lower[name] = '^name.lower[]'} ORDER BY auser.dt_logon DESC } ]не знаю в чём дело