
Написать ответ на текущее сообщение


   команды управления поиском


Ванек 24.03.2004 13:11

вот конфиг. файл:


# $.windows-1250[$charsetsdir/windows-1250.cfg]
# $.windows-1257[$charsetsdir/windows-1257.cfg]

# change your client libraries paths to those on your system
$.drivers[^table::set{protocol driver client
mysql $sqldriversdir/parser3mysql.dll $sqldriversdir/libmySQL.dll
odbc $sqldriversdir/parser3odbc.dll
pgsql $sqldriversdir/parser3pgsql.dll $sqldriversdir/libpq.dll
oracle $sqldriversdir/parser3oracle.dll c:\Oracle\Ora81\BIN\oci.dll?PATH+=^;C:\Oracle\Ora81\bin

# for ^file::load[name;user-name] mime-type autodetection
$MIME-TYPES[^table::set{ext mime-type
zip application/zip
doc application/msword
xls application/
pdf application/pdf
ppt application/powerpoint
rtf application/rtf
gif image/gif
jpg image/jpeg
png image/png
tif image/tiff
html text/html
htm text/html
txt text/plain
mts application/metastream
mid audio/midi
midi audio/midi
mp3 audio/mpeg
ram audio/x-pn-realaudio
rpm audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
ra audio/x-realaudio
wav audio/x-wav
au audio/basic
mpg video/mpeg
avi video/x-msvideo
mov video/quicktime
swf application/x-shockwave-flash


# $.SMTP[]
$.sendmail[\usr\sbin\sendmail -t -i -f postmaster]

## Default encodings.
## ATTENTION: if you work with windows-1251 encoding, please DO NOT
## modify these settings.


## SQL connect string examples.

#$SQL.connect-string[oracle://user:pass@service?NLS_LANG=RUSSIAN_AMERICA.CL8MSWIN1251&NLS_DATE_FORMAT=YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS]

## Error handling templates.

#for [x] MSIE friendly
^for[i](0;512/8){<!-- -->}

^fatal_error[Unhandled Exception (Debug);

^if(def $exception.source){
^if(def $exception.type){exception.type=$exception.type}
<tt>$</tt> $stack.file^($stack.lineno^)<br>


^fatal_error[Unhandled Exception;

<p>The server encountered an unhandled exception
and was unable to complete your request.</p>
<p>Please contact the server administrator, $env:SERVER_ADMIN
and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.</p>
<p>More information about this error may be available in the Parser error log
or in debug version of unhandled_exception.</p>

