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dRmx 27.08.2003 02:07
Значит, выполняю первый вариант, меняю^что-либо:sql{ ... }на
^MAIN:dbconnect{^что-либо:sql{ ... }}. Ошибки. Ищу. Исправляю. Так несколько раз. При том, что в корневой auto.p написал:
@dbconnect[code] ^connect[$connect_string]{$code}Правильно ли я в нескольких случаях закрыл скобки и вообще вставил ^MAIN:dbconnect точно не уверен. Но ругаться браузер насчет connect-а перестал. Радует. Прохожу еще несколько ошибок. Вроде исправляю. Очередная непроходимая связана со string method not found status.
^if((def $params.request && $params.request is hash && def $params.request.$path_param) || $poll_info.status eq "closed")
Приведу все-таки код. Может кому-нибудь будет не лень просмотреть и помочь мне привести в рабочий вид. ############################################## ## Poll creating and supporting class @CLASS poll ############################################## ## main constructor @create[pi_table_in;pa_table_in;extra][extra] ## shit class path $cl_path[/classes/poll] ## defining poll_info table $pi_table[$pi_table_in] ## defining poll_answers table $pa_table[$pa_table_in] ## defining date used in methods $date_now[^date::now[]] ## adding extra methods ^if(def $extra){ ^try{ ^if(-f $extra){ $extra[^file::load[text;$extra]] ^process{^taint[as-is][$extra.text]} }{ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Extra methods file not found] } }{ ^throw[parser.compile;poll;Extra methods compiling error. Check your extra methods code] } } ######## end of @create[] constructor ######## ############################################## ## creates and runs-in new poll @run[params][params;poll_id;answer_keys;id] ## parameters checking and errors detecting ^check_params[$params;run] ## question checking ^if(!def $params.question){ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Poll question not defined] } ## answers checking ^if(!def $params.answers || !($params.answers is hash)){ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Answers parameter contains illegal value] } ## inserting poll into $pi_table ^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^void:sql{ INSERT INTO $pi_table ( question, type, default_value, button_text, status, dt_started ) VALUES ( '$params.question', '^if($params.type eq "checkbox"){$params.type}{radio}', '^params.default.int(1)', '^if(def $params.button_text){$params.button_text}{Ответить}', '^if($params.status eq "active"){$params.status}{closed}', '^date_now.sql-string[]' ) } } ## extracting last_insert_id() $poll_id[^last_insert_id[0]] ## sorting income answers $answer_keys[^params.answers._keys[]] ^answer_keys.sort($answer_keys.key) ## inserting answers into $pa_table ^answer_keys.menu{ $id[$answer_keys.key] ^if(!($params.answers.$id is hash)){ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Answers must be defined as a hash] } ^if(def $params.answers.$id.answer){ ^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^void:sql{ INSERT INTO $pa_table ( poll_id, answer, vote_count ) VALUES ( '$poll_id', '$params.answers.$id.answer', '^params.answers.$id.vote_count.int(0)' ) } } } } ## returns created poll's id and it's status $result[$poll_id[$poll_id]$status[^MAIN:dbconnect{^string:sql{SELECT status FROM $pi_table WHERE poll_id = $poll_id}}[$.default{closed}]]] ######## end of @run[] method ######## ###################################### ## draws the poll body on your page @show[params][params;poll_id;path_param;cookie;expires;poll;action;answers] ## parameters checking ^check_params[$params;show] ## defining poll_id ^if(def $params.poll_id && $params.poll_id eq "last_active"){ $poll_id[^last_insert_id[0]] }{ $poll_id[^params.poll_id.int(0)] } ## extracting poll from database $poll_info[^extract[$poll_id;info]] ## path parameter defining $path_param[^if(def $params.path_param){^taint[xml][$params.path_param]}{vote_for}] ## detecting vote ^if((def $params.request && $params.request is hash && def $params.request.$path_param) || $poll_info.status eq "closed"){ ## detecting restriction ^if(def $params.restrict && $params.restrict is hash){ ## cookie name defining ^if(def $params.restrict.cookie){ $cookie[${poll_id}_$params.restrict.cookie] }{ $cookie[${poll_id}_poll] } ## expire date defining ^if(def $params.restrict.expires){ $expires[^params.restrict.expires.int(1)] }{ $expires[session] } ## setting cookie ^if(!def $cookie:$cookie){ ^if($expires eq "session"){ $cookie:$cookie[$expires] }{ $cookie:$cookie($expires) } }{ ## voting restricted $restricted(1) } } ## updating vote counts ^if(!$restricted && def $params.request.$path_param && $params.request.$path_param is table && $poll_info.status ne "closed"){ ^params.request.$path_param.menu{ ^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^void:sql{ UPDATE $pa_table SET vote_count = vote_count+1 WHERE answer_id = '^params.request.$path_param.field.int(0)' AND poll_id = '$poll_id' } } } } ## user voted or poll closed $action[result] }{ ## active poll, no vote submitted $action[answer] } ## hashing poll $poll[^poll_info.hash[poll_id]] ## extracting answers $answers[^extract[$poll_id;answers]] ## hashing answers $answers[^answers.hash[answer_id]] ## inserting answers into $poll hash $poll.$poll_id.answers[$answers] ## adding path parameter $poll.$poll_id.path_param[$path_param] ## extracting total votes for this poll $poll.$poll_id.total[^MAIN:dbconnect{^string:sql{SELECT SUM(vote_count) FROM $pa_table WHERE poll_id = '$poll_id' GROUP BY poll_id}}[$.default{0}]] ^if($poll.$poll_id.total eq "0"){$poll.$poll_id.total[100]} ## rectriction defining $poll.$poll_id.restricted[^if($restricted){yes}{no}] ## getting poll view ^if(def $params.skin){ ## processing poll skin ^transform[$params.skin;^printPoll[$poll;$action]] }{ ## printing poll ^printPoll[$poll;$action] } ######## end of @show[] method ######## ####################################### ## updates existing poll @update[params][params;poll_id] ## parameters checking ^check_params[$params;update] ## poll_id detecting ^if(!def $params.poll_id){ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Nothing to update, check your ^$.poll_id[]] }{ $poll_id(^params.poll_id.int(0)) ^if($poll_id <= 0){ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Invalid ^$.poll_id[]] } } ## updating poll info ^if(def $params.question || def $params.type || def $params.status || def $params.default){ ^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^void:sql{ UPDATE $pi_table SET question = ^if(def $params.question){'$params.question'}{question}, type = ^if(def $params.type){'^if($params.type eq "checkbox"){checkbox}{radio}'}{type}, default_value = ^if(def $params.default){'^params.default.int(1)'}{default_value}, button_text = ^if(def $params.button_text){'$params.button_text'}{button_text}, status = ^if(def $params.status){^if($params.status eq "active"){'active', dt_ended = ''}{'closed', dt_ended = '^date_now.sql-string[]'}}{status} WHERE poll_id = '$poll_id' } } } ## updating answers ^if(def $params.answers && $params.answers is hash){ ^params.answers.foreach[key;value]{ ^if($value is hash){ ^if(^key.mid(0;3) eq "new"){ ## adding new answer to poll ^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^void:sql{ INSERT INTO $pa_table ( poll_id, answer, vote_count ) VALUES ( '$poll_id', '$value.answer', '^value.vote_count.int(0)' ) } }{ ## deleting answers ^if(^key.mid(0;6) eq "delete"){ ^void:sql{ UPDATE $pa_table SET poll_id = 0 WHERE answer_id = ^value.answer.int(0) AND poll_id = '$poll_id' } }{ ## updating exist answer ^void:sql{ UPDATE $pa_table SET answer = ^if(def $value.answer){'$value.answer'}{answer}, vote_count = ^if(def $value.vote_count){'^value.vote_count.int(0)'}{vote_count} WHERE answer_id = ^key.int(0) AND poll_id = '$poll_id' } } } } } } } ######## end of @update[] method ######## ############################################## ## poll_info and poll_answers extractor @extract[poll_id;type][poll_id;type] ^if(def $poll_id){ ^switch[$type]{ ^case[info]{$result[^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^table::sql{ SELECT poll_id, question, type, default_value, button_text, status, dt_started, dt_ended FROM $pi_table ^if($poll_id ne "all"){ WHERE poll_id = '^poll_id.int(0)' } } }] } ^case[answers]{$result[^MAIN:dbconnect{ ^table::sql{ SELECT answer_id, poll_id, answer, vote_count FROM $pa_table ^if($poll_id ne "all"){ WHERE poll_id = '^poll_id.int(0)' } } }] } ^case[DEFAULT]{$result[]} } }{ $result[] } ######## end of @extract[] method ############ ############################################## @last_insert_id[default][default] $result[^MAIN:dbconnect{^string:sql{SELECT MAX(poll_id) FROM $pi_table}[$.default{$default}]}] ######## end of @last_insert_id[] method ######## ############################################## ## parameters hash checker @check_params[params;method][params;method] ^if(!def $params || !($params is hash)){ ^throw[parser.runtime;poll;Defined none of parameters while calling <b>^#40$method[]</b> method] } ######## end of @check_params[] method ####### ####################################### ## poll xml code generator @printPoll[params;action][params;action] ^try{ ## code generating ^params.foreach[p_id;poll]{ <poll id="$p_id" status="$poll.status" type="$poll.type" default="$poll.default_value" restricted="$poll.restricted"> <question>$poll.question</question> <${action}s total="$poll.total"> ^poll.answers.foreach[a_id;answer]{ <$action id="$a_id" vote_count="$answer.vote_count"> $answer.answer </$action> } </${action}s> <date started="$poll.dt_started" closed="$poll.dt_ended" /> <form path="$poll.path_param" action="$request:uri" button="$poll.button_text" /> </poll> } }{ ^throw[parser.compile;poll;printPoll method compiling error.Check your parameters] } ######## end of @printPoll[] method ### ####################################### ## poll xml xslt transformator @transform[xslt_file;xml_code][xslt_file;xml_code;document;transformedDoc] $document[^xdoc::create{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$response:charset"?> <document> ^untaint{$xml_code} </document>}] $transformedDoc[^document.transform[$xslt_file]] ^transformedDoc.string[ $.method[html] ] ######## end of @transform[] method ###Глупо заявлять, что класс писал не я.