^table::sql{SQL-query}[$.limit(n) $.offset(o)$.bind[variables hash]]
The constructor creates an object of class table containing table based on the data retrieved from a database. To use this constructor you must have connection with data server established (see operator connect). SQL-query-query sent to a database.
It is possible to use additional parameters with the constructor:
$.limit(n)-retrieve no more than n entries;
$.offset(o)-ignore first o retrieved entries;
$.bind[hash] - variables to bind, see «Queries with bound variables».
Example $sql_table[^table::sql{select * from news}]
The code will result in an object containing all data from table news.
Important notice: you should always provide exact list of fields you need.
Using "*" in queries is strongly NOT recommended, since another developer (or you yourself-in a while) will have no idea which fields are to be retrieved from database. Moreover, by using such a construction one may retrieve unneeded fields (say, those which were added during project's development), which will demand additional resources for retrieving and storing superfluous data.