uuid. Universally unique identifier


The method outputs random string of format…

Note: in some OSes outputs pseudorandom string.

This method is useful in cases when it is hard or insensible to use through-numbering of objects, e.g. while performing distributed computing.

UUID is also known as GUID.

Options hash can be specified:
·$.lower(false/true) - to output the result in lower case, upper case by default.  
·$.solid(false/true) - to exclude the '-' character from the result, do not exclude by default.  


A company's branches accumulate orders and periodically send them to headquarters. To ensure identifier's uniqueness, we use UUID.

# different branches accumulate order's information in tables 'orders' and 'order_details'

# create unique identifier

# add record about order

insert into orders
    (order_uuid, date_ordered, total)
', '$date_ordered', $total)
# cycle adding records on ordered goods should be here
insert into order_details
    (order_uuid, item_id, price)
', $item_id$price)

# parts of tables 'orders' and 'order_details' are periodically retrieved
# and sent (^mail
:send[…]) to headquarters,
# where these parts of tables are added to common tables 'orders' and 'order_details'
# …WITHOUT any problems with multiple instances of 'order_id'

Note: Parser generates UUID based on random numbers, not on time. Parameters are:
variant = DCE;
version = DCE Security version, with embedded POSIX UIDs.
…that means that not all of the UUID bits are picked up at random. It is to be so, indeed:

Detailed information on UUID is available at:

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