Installing Parser on web-server Apache as module

To install Parser, one should make changes to server's main configuration file. If you are not authorized to make such changes, you should be able to use .htaccess files.

By default, Apache has usage of
.htaccess disabled.
You will need to enable it (at least allow specifying
FileInfo) by adding directives to server's configuration file (usually httpd.conf), inside <virtualhost …> section allotted for your site or outside it-for all sites:

<Directory /path/to/your/web/space>

Under UNIX:
You will need to compile Parser from source codes by running script
buildall with option --with-apache.
Add these lines to
httpd.conf, after existing LoadModule directives:

load module dynamically
 parser3_module /path/to/

Under Windows:
You need to compile Apache server module with Microsoft Visual Studio.NET (2003 or higher).
Place Parser's executable file (in current version,
mod_parser3.dll) into an arbitrary directory.
Add these lines to
httpd.conf, after existing LoadModule directives:

load module dynamically
 parser3_module x:\path\to\mod_parser3.dll

Note: If necessary, place accompanying
.dll files into the same directory.

Add these blocks to your .htaccess file (or httpd.conf-inside <virtualhost …> section allotted for your site or outside it-for all sites):

declare Parser as .html files handler
 parser3-handler html

specify  configuration file
ParserConfig x:\path\to\parser3\config\auto.p

deny access to .p files, mainly: auto.p
 ~ "\.p$">
 from all

Copyright © 1997–2025 Art. Lebedev Studio | Last updated: 01.11.2013