autocommit=1& [3.3.0] multi_statements=0& [3.3.0]
Path to file with database specified from document_root.
As path to file with database the driver also accepts special values :memory: and :temporary:. First one means that for this session will be created temporary database in memory. Second one-for this session will be created temporary database on disk (you don't need to remove database file manually).
autocommit-by default SQLite commits all queries automatically. If this option sets to 0, Parser executes BEGIN statement at the beginning and COMMIT/ROLLBACKat the end of operator connect, so all statements in one connect operator will be executed in single transaction; multi_statements-if set to 1, the single SQL query can contains more then one SQL statements separated by ";" character (character ";" must be escaped by character "^"). Examples:
Assume, file my.db with database located in data directory which located near your document root directory. Connect string should look like this: sqlite://../data/my.db
Assume, you need temporary table in memory without autocommit (one connect-one transaction). Connect string should look like this: